Dalzell, South Carolina

OH! Patrick was excited to have so many cards and presents to open and discover what was in each one.

Today was a really, really, big day for Patrick. It was his second birthday. In the morning we all had cinnamon rolls out on the patio and Patrick played in his bounce house and with his new water wall. There were lots of presents to open throughout the day. Patrick's favorite present was from his mother and father. It was a Woody doll from Toy Story. Patrick knew that he could pull the string and Woody would talk. He carried Woody around and played games with Buzz Lightyear and Ham and the Potato Heads. It was a fun, fun day.

Michael smoked a pork shoulder and made pulled pork for supper. It took all day long to cook the meat and it smelled so good! Edward really liked the smell of the meat smoking in the outdoor cooker.

There was time to pay in the water and Patrick played in the outdoor shower on the camper. Edward could see him out the window as he danced in the water. Playing in the water is a good way to cool down on a hot day.

More fun things are planned for tomorrow.

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