Rev. Ted Huffman

Quiet Strength

Tony Dungy with Nathan Whitaker, Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, & Priorities of a Winning Life, (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2007)

The men’s Bible Study group at our church is working our way through a Bible Study prepared by Group Publications based on this book, and so it just made sense for me to read the book. I had followed the career of Tony Dungy a little bit simply because of his fame at being the first African-American head coach to win the world series. Obviously, his faith is an important part of his life and the Bible Study is providing opportunities for some good conversation between group members.

Dungy seems to have found a good match with Nathan Whitaker to do the writing. I suspect that much of the text came directly from dictation or conversation by Dungy, because it carries his voice and commitments clearly.

What I had not known before reading the book was the personal journey of Dungy that includes not only successes but also failures and how his life was shaped by the intense grief of a parent who experiences the unexpected death of a child.

The book is easy to read and an inspiring volume.