Rev. Ted Huffman

Blood Brothers

Elias Chacour with David Hazard, Blood Brothers, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books), 2013

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If you think you understand the conflict in Israel and Palestine, think again. If you think you have a solution, think again. Elias has lived the conflict from the beginnings of the founding of the modern State of Israel. His Christian perspective defies the traditional Jewish-Muslim view that is held by too many Americans. Chacour could have become a biter man. Instead, he has chosen to seek solutions and work for peace even when circumstances led others to turn to violent protest and acts of terrorism.

This is an important book for all who care about the people who are caught up in the midst of the political struggles of this world. I must for world leaders and for common folk, this book doesn't attempt to tell the whole story, but rather tells well one perspective without jumping to conclusions or offering simple solutions.

In a complex world, it is good to have a clear and concise picture of one person's experience without claims of universality, but rather an understanding that we are all in this together and that solutions, if and when they come must take into account all of the people and perspectives of the region.