Rev. Ted Huffman

Rally week

I have never spent time in Las Vegas. I’ve been through the airport a couple of times and I’ve driven through the area several times, but I’ve never been tempted to stop and visit. I guess I’m not that big a fan of fake trees and imitations of world wonders. I have been told that there are great deals on food and lodging and that there are amazing entertainment possibilities. It is just that when I work with people in my day job, I tend to seek out lonely places rather than crowded places when I have time off.

I know that it probably isn’t accurate, but to my way of thinking, we have a significant amount of Las Vegas-style entertainment that comes our way in the hills every year during the Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

The rally is in full swing. Today, if you wanted, you could take a look at the 2012 Tattoo Expo at the Thunderdome, or watch fire dancers perform at the Buffalo Chip. There will be hula girls, comedians, bands, Go Go dancers, Karaoke, pancake breakfasts, burn-out competitions, tributes to veterans and a traveling replica of the Vietnam Memorial wall. There is even a Pickle Lickin’ Contest, though I wouldn’t recommend it as family entertainment. I don’t really understand the attraction of public machine gun shooting, either. I guess the joke contest might be interesting but then again there are a lot of jokes that are told at the rally that don’t get repeated in the workplace once the rally goers return to their homes. If you want to check out the Stars of Cigars at Deadwood Tobacco, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow. I’m not exactly sure what a Bikers Bellies Reception is, but I can probably pass on that as well.

Of course the main entertainment of the week for those of us who live here are the many visitors who come to our community. We get to see all kinds of motorcycles and the people who ride them. Our area cafes and motels are full of vacationers. The people who come to the rally tend to be in a good mood while they are here so we have pleasant exchanges in the stores and gas stations.

There is an art show at the Buffalo Chip, but you don’t have to brave the crowds to see some real art. The paint jobs on some of the motorcycles parked around town are genuine works of art. Some of the tattoos that are displayed are likewise works of art, but you have to be into that sort of thing, I guess. I’m more interested in the men who have all of their tattoos high on their shoulder so that they only show when they are wearing a sleeveless t-shirt. I imagine that these people are doctors and lawyers and ministers and other folks who have jobs during the rest of the year where the display of tattoos isn’t expected or perhaps even allowed.

Of course the rally attracts all kinds of people. There are those who come with the intention of really letting their hair down. They camp at the Chip or one of the other Rally venues and spend their time drinking more than usual, behaving in ways that they wouldn’t at home and generally dropping their inhibitions. I may have quite a few friends in this category. At least there are friends and relatives from around the country who come to the rally, but don’t find time to call or drop by our house. I usually only find out that they were in our area after they have returned home and then I don’t hear any details about what they did while they were here other than attend the rally.

There are also folks who come for the scenic beauty of the Black Hills. They take lots of rides on beautiful winding roads, feel the wind in their hair, drive carefully, and delight in the scenic vistas. These folks probably aren’t out until 2 a.m. every night. They might enjoy a meal or two in really nice restaurants during their visit and take a stroll through one of the attractions that caters to tourists all year round.

And there are lots of other folks who choose different things to do. Some people just enjoy being in an environment where motorcycles are the norm and they aren’t viewed as somehow countercultural just because of the mode of transportation they have chosen.

Motorcycle enthusiasts come in all sizes and shapes. That’s part of what makes people watching during the rally so much fun. And the people who come to the rally come from all walks of life and from every socio-economic level of our society. The airport has an unusually high number of private jets during the rally. The campgrounds are filled with everything from inexpensive tents to million dollar motor homes. And we see motorcycles that are the product of a lot of investment. I guess that in some ways it is a cross-section of American society all on display.

Since motorcycles don’t have enclosed cabins, we get to see the people as they drive by. There are some impressive beards. And there are a lot of choices of clothing. I kind of like seeing the bikers in full leather. You have a feeling that they might survive a little slide down the highway. I worry about some of the people who wear less clothing than I do when swimming. It could take quite a while for the folks in the emergency room to pick all of the gravel out of them if they should have an accident.

And there are accidents. You can’t get that many people together without having some mishaps. On average there are two or three accidents with injuries each day during the rally. Some years there are lots of accidents with people coming and going across the state. Some years the statistics are better. Some years I fear reading the morning newspaper headlines. This doesn’t seem to be one of those years.

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So be careful out there. Look carefully for motorcycles each time you pull onto a street or change a lane. I may not take in any of the events of the rally, but I like having the guests come to visit our home. I want them to have a safe adventure and come back next year as well.

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