Big Timber, Montana


Edward is in Big Timber. It is the place where Ted grew up.

Edward is in Montana after riding out of South Dakota and across Wyoming. Today was a very hot and smoky day. The hottest was when the camper passed through Billings, where it was 106. It was 101 in Big Timber when they arrived. There are a lot of fires burning in the mountains and there was smoke everywhere they went. It seemed like cloudy day. When they got to Buffalo, they could barely see the Big Horn Mountains and at Big Timber the Crazy Mountains are obscured by the smoke.

They got an early start and were in Big Timber a little after 4 in the afternoon. It was good to stop driving. The hot day meant that they didn't do much outside. They stopped in Hardin at a truck stop and it was 100 degrees outside and only about 65 degrees in the truck stop. It felt really cold to go into the truck stop building.

Edward was really glad to see Cody the dog. Cody wanted to play with the frisbee even though it was hot outside. He likes to lay in the floor where it is cool. Edward thinks that is a good idea. There were lots of stories to tell Lois and pictures to show of Elliot and the time in South Carolina. They are having a good visit.

Tomorrow the plan is to drive to St. Regis. Edward hopes that it is a little cooler there and maybe a bit less smoky. He will be glad to get back to Mount Vernon, where things are not so hot. Just a few days and Edward and the camper will be back at the farm in Ferndale.

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